Strateq & AWS for Pickens County Medical Center USA
About Pickens County Medical Center (PCMC)
Pickens County Medical Center is a short term acute care hospital servicing Pickens County, Alabama. PCMC offer specialty clinics to provide the community access to specialty providers along with inpatient & outpatient services. PCMC also have an emergency room that is open 24/7 that includes six exam rooms and two trauma suites. PCMC is also fortunate to have Carrollton Primary Care, their rural health clinic, on campus.
PCMC Challenge
PCMC was using a dated EHR system with very old technology and hosted & managed by a third party service provider. Continue to use the dated EHR is very challenging due to cost and security challenges, and the upgrade to newer technology is very costly, yet still not a native cloud solution. Either way, PCMC can’t afford to continue with the existing EHR system.
Strateq have a lot of expertise in AWS, including AWS Solution Architects & DevOps Professional certified individuals, and our cloud native StrateqEHR is build in AWS platform.
Why PCMC Chose Strateq
PCMC is looking for a cloud EHR solution to reduce CapEx investment and Strateq is the only true native cloud EHR for hospital settings in US at the moment. This SaaS subscription model running in AWS platform provide PCMC with a much lower OpEx model and minimum CapEx investment.
StrateqEHR is a modern and intuitive UI/UX EHR solution come with a highly configurable workflow engine . This increase users adoption rate and reduced learning curve hence significantly reduced the implementation timeline and cost.
Strateq Solution
StrateqEHR is full stack cloud-based OLTP solution with many integration and interoperability with third party solutions. StrateqEHR is hosted within a VPC in AWS, which utilizing many Amazon EC2, MySQL RDS, Amazon ALB, VPN connection to hospital and partners, WAF, Amazon S3, and so on. Strateq signed BAA with AWS as PHI is being stored and processed in StrateqEHR.
StrateqEHR’s modern and intuitive UI/UX and highly configurable workflow increased adoption rate and reduced learning curve hence significantly reduced the implementation timeline.
Results and Benefits
Strateq managed to migrate PCMC from the aged EHR to StrateqEHR and went live on 10-Sep-2019. From the EHR software alone, PCMC will be saving more than $1 million for the 7 years contract duration. Other savings such as fee for the third party service provider to host and manage the aged EHR. As StrateqEHR is a native cloud platform, enhancements and fixes have been deployed in much shorter turn around time and significantly less destructive to hospital operations.
Next Steps
Strateq and PCMC will continue working together for the full duration of the 7 years contract. Strateq will continue to capture requirement and feedbacks from PCMC to improve the StrateqEHR for PCMC and other customers.
About Strateq
Strateq Health is a leading global software development and systems integrator with over 30 years’ experience, with over 600 dedicated associates located in offices and global delivery centers in the Americas and Asia Pacific. Strateq Health offers a native cloud-based, easy-to-use, comprehensive EHR and HIS that includes clinical, financial, departmental and revenue cycle solutions designed for rural and smaller community based hospitals. Strateq Health was founded with the sole purpose of simplifying the care of patients and improving hospital financial performance through the delivery of affordable advanced cloud software.